Before your order has been shipped, you may cancel your preorder for a full refund.
After your order has been shipped you may not cancel your order any more.
Preorders cannot be cancelled as they have all already been shipped.
We will not be accepting returns.
If you are unhappy with the conditions your items arrived in we will send one replacement on us. After that, you will have to pay for the shipping of the third attempt. The fourth, and last, attempt to ship your items will have to be done by a private company with express tracked shipping, costs of which will be covered by you.
If you receive damaged or otherwise faulty items please contact us and make sure you include a photograph of damaged/faulty item(s) and your preorder number.
To arrange cancellation or report damaged items use CONTACT form on this website or email us directly to [email protected]. Make sure you include your preorder number (it will be listed in your order confirmation email).